What We Believe

Jesus is our Saviour

What We Believe

Realizing that no single document outside of the Bible can fully capture the meaning of what it is to live as a follower of Jesus in community with others, the following 12 statements are offered as a brief attempt to highlight our core beliefs within the Newnan church family.

God (God the Father)

We believe there is one true and living God, Creator of heaven and earth, who upholds and sustains all things by his powerful Word, revealing Himself to us as loving Father.

Jesus (God the Son)

We believe in Jesus, our unique Savior and Lord, fully divine and fully human, who relates to God as a Son to a Father, submissive to and fulfilling His will. Jesus is the only way to the Father. He was crucified for our sins, died and was buried, and after three days rose again. He ascended to the Father and will come again to take us to be with Him.

Holy Spirit (God the Spirit)

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the gift of God received by faith at baptism, who comforts, convicts, intercedes, strengthens and guides us into right and holy living.

The Bible

We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is God’s inspired word to humanity and is the authority for Christian faith, life and practice, intended to direct us in life’s journey.


We believe human sin is rebellion against God, separating us from Him and rendering us incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through our own effort and good deeds. Salvation: We believe salvation is a free gift of God for all humanity as a result of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection and is available to anyone who puts their trust in Christ as Savior, regardless of their past or present sins.


We believe baptism by immersion after repenting of (turning away from) sin is the intended faith response to our acceptance of Christ as Savior and is a pledge of our devotion to God. We are devoted to teaching and encouraging believers to confess their faith in Christ and be baptized into Him, receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.


We believe weekly participation at the Lord’s Table, eating the Bread and drinking the Cup, reminds us of Christ’s perfect love for us, His sacrifice on the cross, His victory over death, and the promise of life eternal with God for those who trust in Him.


We believe God desires for worship to be our genuine, passionate, and Spirit-filled response to Him. We are committed to planning relevant and diverse worship experiences that inspire, convict, teach, heal and draw people into the very presence of God.


We believe prayer is essential to our spiritual, physical, and emotional strength and health, both as individuals and as a community. We believe nothing is impossible with God and that He wants us to ask all things in faith and trust.

The Kingdom

We believe the Kingdom is made up of all who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and King. We believe in being supportive and working together in unity with other congregations for the cause of Christ.

The Church

We believe the Church is the visible body of Christ on earth, continuing the work of Jesus by serving and ministering to those who are hurting and by calling people to salvation in Christ and to godly living through the Holy Spirit.